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A good managed account

The Investui service provides around three times a week an e-mail alarm. The alarms are based on market and seasonal effects. Implementing the alarms can be done by the client (simply click in the e-mail) or by giving a mandate to service provider, WH SelfInvest (author of this article), turning your account into a managed account. Selectively implementing alarms oneself is therefore possible, but the best return on investment is obtained by choosing the managed account service.
The Investui managed account
Should you consider this service?
The Investui service was designed to appeal to active investors. People who see the benefit of short-term positions on market indices, currencies and gold. People who are looking for diversification in this environment of low interest rates and sky-high stock an real-estate markets.
In 2020 Investui generated a net return of +34%. As with any investement: Investors must keep in mind that past performance is not a guarantee of future performance! Each investor should verify, if possible with the help of an external advisor, if these financial services and instruments are suitable for his personal situation. Investors are not obliged to use leverage.
Profit from market effects and diversification
The service is based on four carefully selected market effects. Market effects are academically proven. They are supported by numerous independent scientific papers from respected academic institutions*. Investors can easily find information on these market effects on the internet. The provider of the service is not trying to convince you theirs is the best asset management service. They are simply providing rigour; invest in the right market effect at the right time.
The four market effects, which make up the Investui service are:
- Turnaround Tuesday (on the German DAX market index)
- Pound Shorter (on the GBP/USD forex pair)
- Friday Gold Rush (on gold)
- End-of-month (on the S&P 500 market index)
Why each of these market effects occur and why they work in the long run, you can read on the Investui website. The Turnaround Tuesday effect, for example, generates good returns but only requires a position to be open for 48 hours. This reduces risk.
Mike Bird in The Wall Street Journal writes "... since the beginning of 1980 the S&P 500’s average Tuesday gain has been 0.07% – the best of any day of the week. Remove Tuesday performances from the index over those decades, and its gain shrinks from nearly 2500% to a paltry 560%."
Interesting to note is the diversification inherent in the service: four different market effects, with four different position horizons (from day trade to swing trade), applied to four different instruments.
One of Germany's biggest newspapers, Die Welt, wrote "Investing based on market effects brings amazing returns".
A transparant service
The service is 200% transparant. There are no secrets, no black box, all cards are on the table from the start:
- The four strategies are explained in detail.
- The open positions are visible in real-time (even if you are not yet a client).
- All past trades on real accounts are available.
- A detailed factsheet is available.
- Every day clients receive an account statement and a chart showing their return.
- The simulator shows historic risk and results
In addition, investors looking for a managed account can explore the service with a FREE demo.
Fair fees only
Clients are charged a small order commission (on average 2-3 trades per week). At the end of the year, and only if a strategy is profitable, the alerts are billed: 2% per profitable strategy calculated on the profit after costs. In short, you only pay for the alerts if they have actually made a profit!
Costs, which are traditional for funds or managed account formula, simply don't exist:
- No entry fee
- No exit fee
- No monthly fee
- No subscription fee to receive the alerts
- No management fee
- No performance fee
In short, clients do not have fixed costs which eat into their profit.
* Some example of academic papers discussing market effects:
Further Evidence on the Turn of the Month Effect, Erhard Reschenhofer – Business and Economics Journal
Calendar Anomalies in Stock Index Futures, Oscar Carchano & Ángel Pardo Tornero – University of Valencia
An anatomy of Calendar Effects, Laurens Swinkels & Pim van Vliet – Journal of Asset Management
Do Seasonal Anomalies Still Work?, Constantine Dzhabarov & William Ziemba – The Journal of Portfolio Management